Conca Hex Head Screw-Bolt by ICCONS® are a screw-in, self-tapping concrete and masonry screw anchor for use in a wide range of applications found in the residential, commercial and infrastructure construction spaces.
Installation is quick and easy, simply drill, clean the hole and screw in the anchor. CONCA Screw-Bolts by ICCONS® are the economic anchoring solution for non-safety-critical applications.
Conca Screw Bolts by ICCONS achieve high loads while generating low expansion forces which can make it a great alternative to adhesive anchors. Unlike mechanical expansion anchors, the Conca Screw-bolt keys into the base material for the entire depth and diameter of the hole, not just at the base of the hole.
The Conca Screw Bolt is a truly versatile anchor, as it can be installed in whole range of base materials such as concrete, block, brick, timber, marble, and stone, just to name a few.
- Non safety-critical applications in uncracked concrete
- Fixing wood structures in concrete
Please see the ICCONS Website or the technical data for specification requirements and additional information.